Hey. I get it. Life happens! Appointments need to be rescheduled sometimes. Know that I value your time and I would greatly appreciate it if you value mine. Please let me know as soon as possible if you can’t make it to your appointment so I have time to offer it to someone else.
~Your appointment time is set aside specifically for you. If you need to cancel or reschedule, kindly give at least 24 hours notice. I appreciate 48 hours notice, but require 24. Anyone who cancels with under 24 hours notice will be charged 50% of the service total.
~If you just don’t show up for your appointment and have NOT given notice you are considered a NO SHOW and you will be charged 100% of the service total.
~Any fees owed for missed appointments must be paid before your next appointment.
A few things to know before your appointment…
~The door to the office is locked until 5 minutes before your appointment time. You are welcome to arrive early and wait in your car. If the door is locked there will be a sign stating so. When that sign is taken down come on in! Please do not knock. If you are a first time client please arrive about 10 minutes early.
~If you are not feeling 100%, or have been in close contact with someone who is sick, PLEASE reschedule your appointment. I try to keep the office as germ free as possible as I have clients who are immunocompromised and cannot afford to get sick. I also cannot afford to be sick. Massage will not make you feel better if you are sick.
*Please know that if you are inappropriate in any way it will not be tolerated. You will be reported and not welcome back.